I added a lot of google things to the page, I had to remove a few like the Google Groups View and the News Stories because the iframe or what ever it was did not validate 8/27/2011
(Removed-Discontinued) Adding Google Friend Connect, Currently I have 3 friends. Be the fourth ! 4/16/2011
I added the Google Plus +1 to the page, The only question that I have is how does "Google Social" and "Google+" actually fit together, or are they completely seperate things?
Next update I will move these items to other pages and basically give the site content on a few different pages, if I am really on top of things I will create a page for all the stuff I wanted to add but did not validate correctly.
Modified Top Links to be Local only, removed external Links
Added Top Stats Link
Not I.
Last Modified: December 16th, 2018
Created: Wednesday, January 26, 2005, 8:42:23 PM